I was finishing some homework here in my room when my mind focused on a peculiar redundancy that I wandered off to observe. I seem to stack things...There is a stack of books, a stack of shoes, a stack of clothes, a stack of movies I borrowed from a friend....Despite how messy that might sound it is actually pretty organized. What fascinates me though, is the fact that I don't remember stacking some of these things and, better yet, I don't remember how some things ended up where they did.
In my last intro to creativity class we talked about how ideas formulate and how these ideas come from our subconscious mind. Through my small observation, however, I have also been able to see how my subconscious mind categorizes objects, as well as who knows what other type of information. This categorization serves me in terms of functionality...it seems like the books are somewhere stacked near my desk or bed for easy reach and coats are stacked on my small sofa for easy access on the way out the door.
So this could lead me to think that maybe this is also the way that my ideas are generated: categorization and then reaching to a specific point in that category.
Or maybe I'm just subconsciously finicky.