Do you ever have one of those days where you don't want to see anybody you know? Where being in a public place, like a cafeteria, cafe, or any other place where you may find people you know disturbs you? I am suffering from misanthropy. I want to just focus on my things and get them done and carry along with my little routine without having to say hi to people or hold awkward conversations. Oh yes, gotta love those moments when you cross someone on your path that you kind of know but not really and then you don't know whether you should say hi to them or not and then you just end up awkwardly staring at each other. LOVE those moments!
This would be a misanthropist's nightmare:
I just want to completely avoid that today...but is it because I'm not wearing makeup? Or is it simply that I'm not in the mood to test my confidence? Because it seems like interacting with people is a constant test of your confidence...and I am a pretty confident person but doesn't testing your confidence constantly get tiring sometimes? I admire those that are so outgoing that they find interacting with people easy. Like children! Gosh how I wish I was a kid again to not care so much about what people think of me or how I am portraying myself and who it is that I want to be. I think that is why I have misanthropist kind of days every now and then...because I just simply don't have my mind straightened out on who I want to be yet and it's kind of hard to portray something you are not sure about to people...who knows.