Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I have come to realize that trust is something that people either have too much or too little of...in my case I have very little. Having too much trust is very dangerous and since I'm afraid the median is not enough to balance out my fear of being UNAPPRECIATED, I tend to have very little.

Having too much trust can make you vulnerable to those who know how to abuse it...it makes you confused and not understand how it is that people don't appreciate you as much as you appreciate them. 

And yet, having too little trust can deprive you of having people trust you in return...we also don't tend to think about what comes along with trust, like affection, respect, admiration, or even love. 

I think that usually for trust to be fully functional, it has to have one of those other complementary feelings with it. You can't trust someone without feeling some level of respect for them, and chances are that if you don't have some affection or like for that person, you won't be very motivated to trust them. 

To me, there is no one I can trust more than my family. Friends have come and gone too many times for me to feel like I can trust someone 100% out of friendship, and in relationships it has been the same. 

Trust comes with time...but trust is a scary, evil state. How many times hasn't someone trusted someone their entire lives and found out in the end that they had been deceived and taken advantage of all along?

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