Monday, March 7, 2011

Need a self-esteem boost?

I just got back from a fun-filled mardi gras weekend where unfortunately the rain did NOT prevent the loyal partyers from hitting bourbon street and getting some hand grenades and hurricanes (to the dismay of the religious protesters). But how does this tie into self-esteem? Well no, you don't have to expose your merchandise to be bombarded with pick-up lines and declarations of true love, which is probably the best part of it all! And no, it is not because they were intoxicated with alcohol that they decided you were good-looking. There's a saying in Spanish: "drunk people never lie" and it's because alcohol doesn't make people lie, instead it makes them more comfortable blurting out what they are thinking. 

I think that is why sometimes we are in need of going out to parties and events such as mardi gras, because we want to feel better about ourselves; and we want to relax and have fun as well of course. But events like these make us feel empowered and able to go back to the day-to-day routine with a new confidence. Mardi gras may not be the best place to get a self-esteem boost, but it sure did seem like a lot of people enjoyed receiving all of those beads.

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