Friday, April 15, 2011

Just a bird or something more?

I have always been fascinated by hummingbirds and I think they deserve to have a section of my blog to be commemorated for their amazing qualities...there seems to be something magical about them when you see them...If I could put hummingbirds in a mind map I would think of grace, vitality, humor, intensity, exotic, magic.

I found this video on youtube: 


It's amazing to think that we have the technology now to capture that action, every time I see a hummingbird I just like to hear the hum of their wings batting together because it's so intense. We always think of hummingbirds because of how fast their wings flap, but these are also a few facts I found that are the reason I like these birds so much...
  • Hummingbirds are considered symbols of love, renovation, and youth. 
  • The Mayans and Aztecs used them to depict fertilization and ecstasy in many of their expressions of art, and they are also used as the symbol of the God of War, Huitzilopochtli
  • "The most astonishing quality of hummingbirds is their ability to broadcast color. Hummingbirds radiate like hot coals in the sun. The color that reaches your eye is created by pigment, which absorbs some colors and rejects others. Like soap bubbles, hummingbird's color comes from iridescence, not pigment. It winks on and off, depending on the light source and the angle of the viewer. This allows hummingbirds to flash colors or hide them which is useful for males who want to impress females or threaten other males."
Wouldn't it be awesome to radiate colors to attract or intimidate others?? What I like the most about the hummingbird is the fact that it is so distinguishable and different from all of the other birds and I use it as a reminder of all of those positive things in life. It's so chirpy and full of vitality that it almost contaminates you with happiness.
 If I was courageous enough to do it this would be an awesome tattoo to get.  

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