Monday, April 18, 2011


Serendipity is one of my favorite words in the dictionary.

According to


[ser-uhn-dip-i-tee] Show IPA
1. an aptitude for making desirable discoveries by accident.
2. good fortune; luck: the serendipity of getting the first job she applied for.

1754; Serendip  + -ity;  Horace Walpole so named a faculty possessed by the heroes of a fairy tale called The Three Princes of Serendip

ser·en·dip·it·er, ser·en·dip·i·tist, ser·en·dip·per, noun

There is also a movie called Serendipity and even though it is one of those chick-flick types that I find too predictable and repetitive sometimes, I can say it is one of my favorites and it is worth seeing. 
There is a reason for my madness, though. The reason I like this term so much is because of the experiences I have had that have hit me in the face so many times as a sense of destiny. 
Last semester for example I had an account balance of over $2,000 that I did not know how I was going to pay. After serveral months of seeking out resources and talking with my financial advisor, my family tried coming up with as many resources as possible until in the end the only solution was a credit card. When I logged into the system to make my payment the card was not accepted because it was Visa. Apparently my university does not accept payments from Visa credit cards, which at that moment infuriated me and I wondered...Who the heck does not take Visa? Seriously!? 
On the verge of tears and frustration I went to see my advisor one last time to tell him that I would have to drop out of the school because there was no way to come up with the money...My mom was declined for a loan and there just seemed to be no solution. As I sat in front of my advisor depressed and exploring the possibilities of life in other colleges, he checked the computer one last time to see what could be done. 
Suddenly, he discovered that my mom's income had been counted as double of what she makes, making my financial aid lower than it usually was. He shook his head and apologized for the mental insanity he had provoked inside of me for all of this time, and with a hint of a smile said that the university now owed me $700. I simply could not believe it.
So where does serendipity step in?? 
If SMU had not been weird and accepted the credit card, I would have never gone to talk again with my advisor and not only that, but the interest rates would have been a bit high so in the end I would have been paying a lot more money. The best part was the extra cash I recovered of course! 
So yes, serendipity I am a fan...and this is just one example of the several cases where you have showed me you are around
I also read this book called The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho this Christmas break and it has a beautiful story about destiny which teaches you a few things about living your life. Maybe that's why I tend to be so reflective and intense about these topics sometimes. But nonetheless I think that destiny is a funny and interesting topic because regardless of your religion or always seems to show up and bite you to remind you that you don't have all the control.  

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