Wednesday, April 13, 2011


I hate it...

I have been taking French classes for the last two years and even though I have been conjugating verbs all of this time and learning vocabulary...I can still say that I know nothing about the grammar. I get all the verbs confused and I hate having to sit and think about how I am going to talk when I'm trying to practice. I love languages though (that is why I am a foreign language major)  and I can say that it's pretty easy for me to learn them quickly, but I think it's the way I learn the languages that is different. 

Honestly, I don't think that learning verb conjugation is the best way to start. Maybe instead, like small children, we have to learn how the language sounds and the patterns of it. Then, we can learn WHY it is structured the way it is structured...Kids are not taught what is the imperfect or the conditional, they just talk and get corrected constantly and listen and store more and more information in their memory. Laaater they go to school and learn the dreaded rules.

For that reason I will be immersing myself in France very soon and battling it out the tough way. That is the way I learned English so I'm trying the same method for French.

That is something the modern linguists would agree with.

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