Today I went to a friend's house who rooms with a guy that used to be my best friend during the first semester of was a pretty strange experience since now we don't talk. At all. And seeing each other again brought back a lot of memories and confusion...
You know you always have that one friend in high school, middle school, elementary school, or even in college who you used to hang out with all the time, who you told all your secrets to, and with whom you felt super connected. You never even considered the possibility of loosing them and the world revolved around happily in those moments you shared together. THEN suddenly everything changes and for some reason that friend decides to act as if all of those things you shared together never existed, and you feel sad, confused, and hurt.
You know you always have that one friend in high school, middle school, elementary school, or even in college who you used to hang out with all the time, who you told all your secrets to, and with whom you felt super connected. You never even considered the possibility of loosing them and the world revolved around happily in those moments you shared together. THEN suddenly everything changes and for some reason that friend decides to act as if all of those things you shared together never existed, and you feel sad, confused, and hurt.
Well, yes that is the power to forget.
You know also that first boyfriend or girlfriend you had, who you were obsessed with at one time and with whom you started to learn what a relationship was like, and with who you shared moments and feelings you felt were impossible to surpass. THEN you break up, a few years pass by and suddenly you remember them and think WOW I really liked that person a lot back funny now to think about.
Again, that is the power to forget.
Then, going a little more personal, you had those moments when mom and dad maybe had a big fight, and you had that intense fear in your heart of thinking that maybe your family was no longer going to be would just become mom and me or dad and me. And maybe dad did leave or mom did leave, but time passed and you grew up and got so accustomed to just having one at a time that now when you see them both sitting in the car together you think...WEIRD?
The power to forget...
It is an amazing phenomenon that together with time can work wonders, and which for me has worked some wonders unwillingly...but at the same time its sad because seeing that time has passed and seeing that I have forgotten also puts me face-to-face with the reality that maybe the moment I am living right now will be forgotten.