Monday, February 21, 2011

Free Food

Is it just me or is this the best thing that exists in the world?? 

Just saying...especially since Free pancake day is coming up next week at IHOP...interested? Here's the link to prove it: FREE pancake day at IHOP indulge yourself :)

For college students free food is like saying its the last day to breathe on earth. Everyone rushes with incredible inertia (no one can stop that kind of velocity) to the fountain of eternal life and "discretely" passes by a couple of times to enjoy the fruits. So is this why not everything is free in the world? Well you would wonder...My favorite is around final exams: waffle and coffe night. Way to go on encouragement. Honestly I think that sometimes this final exam "coffe break" idea is kind of harmful. Although we students might depend on these excuses to part from too much knowledge in the brain at once, encouraging us to take in more caffeine is a suggestion implanted in our heads to say that we are tired. If we were never offered coffee breaks then we would not really know that we need it...but of course there is a limit to this, because at certain points we do need the breaks BUT why do our librarians here feel the need to keep announcing it over the intercom? 

Went a little off topic but going back to free food...why shouldn't food be free? The answer is because we simply don't live in the old days anymore when we used to grow, harvest, and trade our edible goods. So when we have to factor in all of this the answer is man labor. In the end we are paying for labor not the actual food. Yes, you might pay for that special combination of ingredients that make that taste so unique, but in the end it is someone's hands that are involved in cutting those tomatoes and stirring that soup...and those hands are very special! Thanks to that person you are savoring life and in some special way there is a connection between all of the hands that have picked those ingredients, taken them to the factory, then to the restaurant, separated, categorized them, finally minced, cooked, stirred, and served them perfectly into that delicious plate of Tomato Basil Pasta...yumm. There is so much that goes into it, that in the end that plate of food you are eating is worth much more than the $10.00 you are actually paying...there is the hard work, dedication, and meticulous care of those hands that crafted the final masterpiece entering your digestive chambers...
Something to think about next time you go out to eat and when you receive  
free food.

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