Monday, February 28, 2011

Hero, the alter ego

Who is your hero?

Is it a guitar hero?
…A super hero?
…A family member or a close friend?
…A celebrity?
…A professional in your field?

What makes a hero?

According to my six year old brother a hero is “somebody who saves people and fixes things and gets people out of things”…simple enough.

There are many different types of heroes, but mainly it seems to be like it’s someone that people look up to, or someone that has done something to save people’s lives. They have something that we wish we could have whether it is courage, strength, supernatural ability, or even money (Ironman has all of those :P). Heroes can represent that part of ourselves that we wish we could let free. I walked out of the movie theater like I could conquer the world after watching Ironman, and I felt like I really wanted to have one of those suits. Freedom perhaps is the most important element in all of this because, think about the feeling you get when you imagine a super hero flying through the air, or when you see any hero triumph…it’s a feeling of awe and power that inspires us to do anything that we dream of and that we feel is possible. That is the beauty of heroes: their ability to optimize our own performance and give us a sentiment of power and freedom. 


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