Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Open door privacy

If you look closely at the constitution there is no mention whatsoever of the word privacy, and honestly nowadays it seems like not being private is the new trend. Let's just say that PDA (public display of affection) has reached a new level and... 

...of course who can forget the new private life exposure boom that has hit thanks to facebook! 

Now people feel the need to report everything they are doing, feeling, thinking, and even where they are with the new "check in" feature! And then you wonder how kidnappers find their victims...but openness and exposure of the private life is fascinating and that is why facebook is a billion dollar enterprise now. Who doesn't want to know what other people are doing?? Thanks to twitter also you can find out what celebrities are thinking and what they like which has immensely factored in some numbers for the advertising industry with a new media outlet.

It's pretty interesting though, how the exposure of private life can still be private...there are "private" profiles and you have many options on screening what kind of information to show to which people. And oh are those people sneaky sometimes. 

This fascination of the "private life unplugged" though, has to have some explanation. Sometimes you want people to care about what you are doing, sometimes you want people to see that you are in all of those pictures from the party last weekend...I mean, that's why you tag yourself right? ...There is some type of egoistic source to all of this privacy exposure. Why else do you expose your privacy? In the end its all about you...

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