Sunday, February 20, 2011

Emergency call for creativity

Who creates music videos?? I was just watching this music video and it really went in a direction that I completely did not expect...


What connection may I ask is there between dynamite and partying with a bunch of women working in a mechanic shop? Music videos are the perfect venue to express the song in question and they give UNLIMITED possibilities to the pool of creativity...

But at the same time, music videos have been slowly becoming an alternate branch of the more conservative pornographic genre. Sexy women dancing provocatively on singers in order to give them an image of power and sexual desire. But, of course we can't forget the specific type of music videos we are talking about because not all genres of music inspire this kind of image. Howeverr...Can we step out of the box please? 
Music is a form of art and so are the videos that express its meaning so why not take this as an opportunity to generate ideas and go crazy fun? What would you have done to express this song differently??

Everyone has a different take on it...but to me it has to do with "letting go" of all of the troubles and stress of the week and "throw your hands up" and relax, just dance and "live your life"...and I don't know I guess I was just disappointed at the cliche use of women in a mechanic environment on a hot summer day rubbing soap and water on each other.

I would have maybe played around with the dynamite idea...maybe a mine theme? I really like how this video takes hold of the creative opportunity even though its for a genre of music that can also call for sexy women dancing dirty...It's in spanish but the title means "Emergency call" and just by sticking to it until the end you will see the strength of its message even if you don't understand the language because of the power in the images they use to narrate a kind of story: 

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