Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hairy you

Your hair is an important part of who you are...if you think about it, its the most identifiable part of you. Yes some might say your eyes, or that dimple you get on your cheek when you smile...but cut the hair and see how all of those other things drastically change. Or you don't even have to cut it, just dye it and suddenly you seem a new more fresh person, or if having bad luck you might end up looking like a smurf...
In many ways the way you dress and the way your hair looks sends out a message about who it is that you are, who it is that you want to be, or maybe simply what it is that you like. However, there is room for error since some people may look very intimidating but turn out to be a very amiable person; but why is hair so important?? 
It seems like there is some kind of emotional attachment to hair...something about it that has a power to define your whole self. Ever heard of "having a bad hair day"? Seems like having bad hair strips people of their confidence, or of something to do with their identities, bad hair can have the power of altering your emotions...and consequently good hair can give you power and confidence. Your image, many would argue, is not the most important thing about yourself, but it seems to me like it plays a pretty important part in defining our emotions and how others treat us despite how much we might want to ignore this fact. 
He sure thinks he looks good :P

Truth is...we are all, to some degree, self-conscious and a bit shallow. It's part of life, and it does not need to have such a negative connotation because we are all victims of it and it can have an impact on how we feel.

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