Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Amigos x100pre [friends forever>:]

With valentine's day approaching sometimes it seems like people have difficulty in defining friendship. It might be dependability, loyalty, care, or in some cases just holding a conversation; but what is it really
We are surrounded with images of friendship...it tends to be a good feeling, it has a fuzzy, good connotation. These images usually depict cute animals or children, some hearts? This idea seems to revolve on the meaning of support, you know, the common "Lean on me," which is why I found this advertisement peculiarly funny since it completely tears down that image with a humorous and successful effect in the end with the "ask for more" tagline-->


There is also the all-time famous tv series Friends.  
Who can forget that image of trust, dependability, and survival under the same roof?
But...it varies by culture, for example in muslim countries people of different genders cannot be friends, although many swear that in our cultures they can't either. 
I find that even though there are common grounds for defining friendship the most basic sentiment should be based on simple comfort of being in the company of that person. In my case, I love having the attention of other people, but I also feel that for it to be a true friendship there should be mutual care and dependability. Along with this mutual care comes the idea of comfort. I have many friends with whom I enjoy company and times engaging in the same activities, but the ones I can truly call friends are those that gain my trust and with whom I feel comfortable enough to open myself up and express myself as I am. 
There is such -Beauty- in the art of socializing.

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