Monday, February 28, 2011

Talent conspiracy

Yesterday was the grand Oscars night of 2011. The winners cried, laughed, yelled in awe, and almost jumped in the air at times (except for Natalie Portman who was pregnant, she just cried emotionally). I enjoyed seeing the dresses the actresses (and actor, thanks James Franco) were wearing and I particularly enjoyed the ads that were more impressive than usual, especially by coca-cola.
I always tend to feel though, that in these kinds of award shows like the Oscars, the Academy Awards, MTV music awards, and even Miss Universe there is some sense of conspiracy. It seems as if the winners have already been picked and as if the candidates chosen as finalists are always chosen based on some bias, because if you think about it, who picks the winners? Can you really say the judges are neutral, specially in the case of Miss Universe?
Who knows maybe the winners have been chosen well in advance before the movie was even made! Maybe the movie was made with already the objective in mind that it was going to be an Oscar winning movie and that is what makes it exceed the standards and expectations. The larger the scale is, the more distrust there is of the process carried out to pick the winners.

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